"Firmly established in the cultural life of the region".

Anthony Bandmann, member of the board of directors of Filmfest main sponsor Volkswagen Financial Services, in an interview about the company's commitment to the local region and good cinema experiences.

Mr Bandmann, the sponsorship of the Braunschweig International Film Festival has existed for several decades. Can you tell us the importance of this commitment for Volkswagen Financial Services?


It is our longest engagement, we have been a reliable partner for the filmmakers of Brunswick for more than 30 years. This is something we are proud of, especially as the BIFF is a well-known part of Brunswick's cultural calendar.


The Film Festival has an international character - and Volkswagen Financial Services is also active in around 50 countries. What role does being international play for you?


Volkswagen Financial Services is active in 47 countries, the majority of our employees work from outside of Germany and we also generate a large part of our earnings in our international markets.

So this answers the question, doesn't it (laughs)?


But you are also very involved locally, in your city and region. Why is commitment in "our" region so important to you?


Regardless of our internationality, our headquarters are in Brunswick. This is our home and this is where our roots lie. And as good corporate citizen, we are obligated to the common good. And that is why we also support cultural and social life in Brunswick with our numerous commitments.


How important would you say the Film Festival is for the local event and cultural scene?


Over the past decades, the BIFF has established itself as a permanent part of the region's cultural life. Looking back at all the great actors and actresses who have been guests here in Brunswick, I can honestly say that the BIFF is an annual event which enhances Brunswick's glamour factor.


What does culture mean to you? What formats or events do you personally find particularly exciting?


For me, culture is multifaceted and the foundation of every society. For me personally, culture is something alive, something that can be experienced and that shapes our daily lives. I am a great fan of the art of film, but also of the visual arts, and I always enjoy taking part in extraordinary and thought-provoking events.


How would you describe your personal, cinematic or cineastic reference? Are there any specific film segments, genres or series that appeal to you personally more than any others?


A visit to the cinema is always a highlight for me, especially if there is salty popcorn. I am as interested in good thrillers as I am in an interesting documentaries - ideally about the world of mountains. At the most recent BIFF, the socially critical films were especially exciting for me to see.


What would you wish the BIFF or what would you wish the BIFF for the future?


Quite frankly: Keep it up! The BIFF is doing a good job and is of great social and cultural importance for Brunswick. We Volkswagen Financial Services will continue to stand by their side.