The Waiting Point

(orig. )

  • The Waiting Point

Croatia 2013
Director, Camera, Editor & Music: Masa Drndic
Production & Distribution: Filmaktiv, Rijeka
44 Min., Blu-ray, bw, original with english subtitles

The old bus terminal in Rijeka takes centre stage in this poetic black-and-white film. This central meeting point for tourists simultaneously serves as an integral part of the local community. We follow the daily routine of employees and ticket office customers, shops and cafés, of cab and bus drivers, of homeless people and beggars, of perpetual visitors and passersby.

Masa Drndic
Born in 1982. studied visual arts. Started her documentary film work in workshops of  Atelier Varan and Aristoteles (Arte TV). Collaboration in camera, script and assistence on several short films. She works as artist, designer and filmmaker.
Films (selection):
2007        My Belgrade (Kurz, dok.)
2009/10    Détaché (Kurz, dok.)
