Short Films

From around 400 national and international entries, the jury for the short films in the Film Festival has selected nine short films, according to various contentrelated criteria – not an easy task. Many interesting films could not be included in the program for reasons of space. Nevertheless, the international program gives immediate insight into the present developments in the film industry in each country and what content matter motivates directors there. In this context, it is worth noting that the short film addresses current social issues and promotes debate in a critical, indeed at times scathingly ironic way. This applies particularly to the issues of migration and the plight of refugees. It is not surprising that nowadays highly professional animations can be produced with the aid of computer technology. But perfect technology cannot replace the idea of a film. The jury has therefore made sure that a huge range of content and imagery has been covered, so everything from the cinematic sketch, through the experiment to the coherent artwork can be viewed. The Festival offers visitors the unique opportunity to view these short films, many of them prize-winners – take advantage of this opportunity and go to the screenings in the LOT Theatre.
