(orig. FORÆLDRE)
Denmark 2016
Language: Danish
Subtitles: English
Director: Christian Tafdrup
Camera: Maria von Hauswolff
Script: Christian Tafdrup
Editor: Anne Østerud, Tanya Fallenius
Cast: Bodil Jørgensen, Søren Malling, Elliott Crosset Hove
Producer: Thomas Heinesen
Sound: Peter Schultz
Distributer: LevelK
Lenght: 86 Min.
Format: Blu-Ray
Color: Farbe
Age Limit: <
What do you do with your life, when your son has moved out, you don`t fancy going on dates with other parents, there`s a feeling of emptiness and uselessness and as a couple you feel stupid? Revive the innocent happiness of youth, go back to the roots, in this case straight back to the student digs under the roof in Copenhagen, to first love, with the records from then, the cheap wine and the obligatory being in love, the carefree existence. Admittedly ”Back to the Roots” works better than expected at first and holds unexpected prospects, however turns out - at least for one of them - to be a nightmare. (ED)
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