Of Snails and Men

(orig. )

  • Of Snails and Men

Romania, France 2012
Director: Tudor Giurgiu
Script: Ionut Teianu
Camera: Vivi Dragan Vasile
Editor: Mircea Olteanu
Music: Vlaicu Golcea
Actors: Andi Vasluianu, Monica Barladeanu, Jean-François Stévenin
Production: Libra Film, Agat Films
Distribution: Elle Driver
90 Min., DCP, colour, original with english subtitles

Romania 1992, the economy is in tatters. A factory in a small town is being sold to the French so that it can be turned into a snail cannery for the remaining 300 workers. George, the trade union leader and womanizer, has an outlandish plan to rescue the factory which does not, however, please the workers’ wives.

Tudor Giurgiu
Born 1972 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, graduated 1995 in Bucharest. Giorgiu is a member of the European Filmacademy, founder of the International Transilvanian Filmfestivals, the „FULL MOON” Horror & Fantasy Film Festival and initiator of the national Film Award.

Films (selection)
2006    LOVE SICK
