(orig. )

  • NOCHEINMALJulenka Werkmeister
    Julenka Werkmeister

World PremiereGermany 2023Language:GermanSubtitles:No SubtitleDirector:Julenka WerkmeisterWriter:Julenka WerkmeisterMusic:Sophie LindmüllerWith:Anne Düe, Giulia WeisProducer:Julenka WerkmeisterDistributor:Julenka Werkmeister4 min, Colour

Maria has leukaemia. She suffers a relapse and decides against further therapies. Her symptoms will get worse and she will die. Knowing that we will soon go, what does that mean? Have we lived our lives in a way that is okay? Will it ever be okay for us to go, and what do we need for that? Mary has one more wish. To go to the sea one last time. We accompany her and observe her before and after. Does she feel that she can go?
