(orig. MAVIS!)

  • MAVIS!

USA 2015
Language: English
Director: Jessica Edwards
Camera: Keith Walker
Script: Jessica Edwards
Editor: Amy Foote
Cast: Mavis Staples, Adam Ayres, Gene Barge
Producer: Rachel Mills, Jessica Edwards
Distributer: Film First
Lenght: 80 Min.
Format: Blu-Ray
Color: Farbe
Age Limit: <

”I just got goose bumps when I heard it. I mean, it was like: That`s exactly how the world is.” This is how Bob Dylan describes his first encounter with Mavis Staples. No other pop star ever sang with such a pure Gospel style. Born in Chicago in 1939, Staples was already performing with various Gospel groups, before she, with her family ensemble The Staple Singers, not only became the authoritative R&B hit machine for the record label Stax, but was also a convincing voice for the American Civil Rights Movement in the 60s and 70s. MAVIS! is the impressive portrait of a continually vibrant performer, who celebrated a brilliant come back in 2010 and won a Grammy for it.


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