(orig. )
Germany 1968-1970
Realisation: Birgit and Wilhelm Hein
ROHFILM, 20 Min.
625, 34 Min.
In their films Birgit and Wilhelm Hein examine the processes of reproduction and the primary material nature of the medium. In ROHFILM the common ‚filmimage’ is destroyed and the film appears as an ‚visual bombardment’ (Stephen Dwoskin) of image fragments, dirt and other trash. In REPRODUCTIONS travel fotos, dissolved in shades of grey, are moving through the frame.In 625 a constant image of television snow is filmed by altering speed and focus and reversed to negative. W+B Heins classical underground films liberate film from its function to transport images and stories. They offer an idea of the unused other possibilites of the film material which is about to vanish into the digital world.