Greece / France / Croatia 2015
German Premiere
Language: Greek
Subtitles: English
Director: Yorgos Zois
Camera: Yannis Kanakis
Script: Yorgos Zois
Editor: Yannis Kanakis
Cast: Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Maria Kallimani, Alexia Kaltsiki
Producer: Maria Drandaki, Sinisa Juricic, Elie Meirovitz
Music: Sylvain Chauveau
Sound: Hervé Buirette, Aris Louziotis, Alexandros Sidiropoulos
Distributer: EZ Film
Lenght: 110 Min.
Format: ProRes
Color: sw, Farbe
Age Limit: <

As on every other night, the audience takes its seats, the room darkens and the theatre play begins. However, this time there is an interruption. A group of young armed men and women come onto the stage and take over the directing. Inspired by the armed hostage-taking in October 2002 in the Moscow Dubrovka Theater, the film suspends the boundary between the audience area and the stage. ”INTERRUPTION is a film about the act of seeing”, says the director. This seeing takes place however not from a safe distance but in a gesture of exposure which makes vulnerability visible and jeopardizes how one`s own life is seen.


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