_Information: RealSurreal

(orig. _Information: RealSurreal)

  • _Information: RealSurreal


In the 1920ies and 30ies, „New Objectivity“ on the one side and surrealism on the other searched for a timely look at the world. The first were striving for seemingly artless, sober forms, saw the presence full of social conflicts, and therefore to be formed - the others tried to make way for the private and public subconscious, unfiltered by artists if possible. For both, cinema came at the right moment: the camera with its photochemical process - so it was believed - truthfully records what is there. Cinema is well aware of this treaty on the degree of reality of the cinematographic image. The programme RealSurreal, a cinematographic extension of the exhibition of the same name at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg strolls through the avantgardes of these years. A coda demonstrates, that theses avantgardes have lost nothing of their importance, applicability, and political force - quite on the contrary.
