Industry Events

BIFF Film Criticism LAB: on the Future of Film Criticism Thursday, 5.11.2015, 9.30 am to 6pm Venue: Publishing building of the Braunschweiger Zeitung, Hintern Brüdern 23, 38100 Braunschweig The film critic who is employed on a regular basis and independent in judgement is a threatened species: newspapers have dismissed film critics, have merged jobs across the company, TV has abandoned film reviews. But is there now a lack of competent film reviewers? Probably not as the internet provides a flood of texts and videos dealing with film criticism. Film critique often does fully not exploit the opportunities of the net. A deficit which the LAB is countering. It deals with the continuation of criticism by new means. Above all, “digital natives” get a chance to have their say and show how film critique could be structured online in future. In cooperation with FIPRESCI, presented by FILMDIENST, funded by NORDMEDIA. Target audience: people interested in films, reviewers, journalists, bloggers, scholars, students 9.30am Workshop: Writing of film reviews for students and free journalists. Chaired by Daniel Kothenschulte, Frankfurter Rundschau 12.00 pm Welcoming speech: Alin Tasciyan, President of FIPRESCI, Horst Peter Koll, Filmdienst, Michael P. Aust, festival director12.15 pm Keynote: Only a dead critic is a good criticAmongst aggregators, fanboys and algorithms where can you still find the subjective view? On the crisis of reviewing – a stocktaking by Daniel Kothenschulte, Frankfurter Rundschau 12.30 pm Talk: What`s Wrong · Alin Tasciyan (President of FIPRESCI), Daniel Kothenschulte (Frankfurter Rundschau), György Kárpáti (Vice-President FIPRESCI), Katharina Dockhorn, (Bundesverband deutscher Medienjournalisten). Presentation: Andrew Horn (filmmaker and journalist) 14.30 pm It`s better to be online. Video blogging versus regular film criticism, – Kaja Klimek (Weekendowy Magazyn Filmowy/Hashtag Warsztat), Warsaw 15.00 pm Student blogs – the new public-authority film criticism? Example: ”Daumenkino“ Florian Krautkrämer, HBK 15.30 pm A feminist approach to film criticism and to cinema, Alin Tasciyan, President FIPRESCI 16.00 pm Coffee Break 16.30 pm Concluding panel: The future is not what it used to be – options for action for film critics · Kaja Klimek (Weekendowy Magazyn Filmowy/Hashtag Warsztat), Florian Krautkrämer, Claudia Reinhard (also member of Talents Critique – Editorial Committee of the 54. Semaine de la Critique), Holger Römers (Freelance Film Critic). Presentation: Andrew Horn (filmmaker and journalist) 17.30pm Reception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional: Thursday, 05.11. 19.00 pm Silent film concert with Marcel Barsotti – DOLPHINS Friday, 6.11. 11.30 am – 13.00 pm Future Reloaded – Game Change in the German film · Panel Discussion 150 German cinema feature films a year, but none competing in Cannes, Venice, San Sebastian. In order for the German film to be made viable for the future, the structures of the movie industry have to be defined anew. The discussion will examine the network of sponsorships, broadcasting stations, universities and sounds out options for change. Thomas Schäffer, Head of Nordmedia Arno Ortmair, Chairman of the Association of German Film Producers Karl Maier, Head of Film & Medienbüro Niedersachsen Huan Vu, Director and producer of THE COLOUR OUT OF SPACE Presenter: Michael P. Aust, Festival Director BIFF 13.30 pm – 15.30 pm Haute-Normandie Reception (only with special invitation/ industry accreditation)
