Green Horizons

Sustainable action means to leave future generations with equivalent preconditions of life, such as they are to our disposal. Originated by Hans Carl von Carlowitz as a convention for forestry, nowadays, sustainability revolves around the principles of respect for and the protection of the environment in addition to social justice and modest prosperity. All over the world, these principles are violated. Movies who broach the issue are around for many years: From action movies like “Day after Tomorrow” by Roland Emmerich to grand nature documentaries. The series GREEN HORIZONS includes 5 movies about sustainability dealing with topics like: textile industry, climate change and food production. It shows how environmentalism and social justice are spurned as well as encouraging approaches and activities in different countries. Additionally, as a part of the series, there will be a panel on November 6th at 5 p.m. at the congress hall of the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce). After watching movie excerpts, filmmakers, educators and students debate with the audience on the question: “What can the art form movie contribute to a development towards sustainability?” Marc-Aurel Jensen
