ENCOURAGE Campus Connections - Screening #2

(orig. ENCOURAGE Campus Connections - Screening #2)

  • ENCOURAGE Campus Connections - Screening #2

An exclusive selection of film productions by students from the region will be presented in two mixed, cross-genre short film programs. The films reflect the broad spectrum of student filmmaking and thus make their artistic talent visible to a wide audience.Works from the film and video classes of Prof. Michael Brynntrup & Prof. Corinna Schnitt (HBK Braunschweig), the media design class of Prof. Jutta Tränkle (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Salzgitter), are combined with works by students of Prof. Anke Wiesenthal (HS Hannover) and Prof. Eva Könnemann & Prof. Volker Wortmann (University of Hildesheim). Documentaries, cinematic essays, narrative films, experimental films and animation join hands.PROGRAMM1. SCREENING #1: 10:00 - 11:20 Uhr (Saal 5)2. SCREENING #2: 11:30 - 12:50 Uhr  (Saal 5)3. PROJEKTFORUM: 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr  (Saal 5)4. MEET THE TALENT - MEET THE INDUSTRY: 15:00 - 15:45 Uhr (Vorraum Saal 5)


  • 15.11.2024 11:30 ASTOR Saal 5