(orig. COOT)

  • COOTMarlies van der Wel
    Marlies van der Wel

Netherlands 2023Language:No DialogueSubtitles:No SubtitlesDirector:Marlies van der WelMusic:STAN KOCHSound:SHARKEE HAAIFAAI DELUXEProducer:GIJS KERBOSCH, GUUSJE VAN DEUREN, INGMAR CONJARTSProduction Company:PARTIZAN STUDIO3 min, Colour

Due to the construction of a new bridge, the skipper of a ferryboat suddenly finds himself without passengers. But a coot looking for materials for its nest provides a solution within this short animation.

Director's Biography:Director’s biography: Marlies van der Wel (Soest, 1984) is a Dutch animator and illustrator whose short films have been recognized internationally. Addressing big themes in small packages, she is known for using simple images and words to tell stories that are emotional.
