(orig. BRASIL S/A)
Brazil 2014
Language: o. Dialog
Director: Marcelo Pedroso
Camera: Ivo Lopes Araújo
Script: Marcelo Pedroso
Editor: Daniel Bandeira
Cast: Edilson Silva, Wilma Gomes, Adeilton Nascimento, Giovanna Simões, Marivalda Maria dos Santos, Maracatu Estrela Brilhante
Producer: Livia de Melo
Music: Mateus Alves
Sound: Pablo Lamar
Distributer: Ant!pode Sales & Distribution
Lenght: 72 Min
Age Limit: <
As a group of sugarcane cutters lose their job to a battery of construction machines, they turn the tables of development and build spaceships out of diggers in order to conquer the southern sky. And so it came about, that the working class got to the heavens while on earth, the streets were congested. A mixed bag of Matthew Barney and Glauber Rocha: colorful, enchanting melodies, funky choreography, wordless and disturbing symbolism. Solemnly uplifting regardless of the occasional irony. An ecstasy that is a rarity in movies.