Journey to the past

Braunschweig Film Festival revives the cinema of the Weimar Republic!

As part of the support program of the Weimar Republic e.V., the Braunschweig International Film Festival is hosting a cinematic retrospective: on Sunday, September 18 at 11:00 a.m., the silent film DIE HOCHBAHNKATASTROPHE from 1921 will be shown at the UNIVERSUM Filmtheater. This historic film experience will be accompanied by Weimar composer Richard Siedhoff live on location on the piano.

Journey into the past of Weimar cinema: THE ELEVATED TRAIN DISASTER


In 1919, the first German democracy was established. The Weimarer Republik e.V. has already been celebrating this since 2018 with various funding programs that deal with the culture of this period. In this context, BIFF is now also reviving the cinema of the time. The program features DIE HOCHBAHNKATASTROPHE from 1921 - at this time, Weimar cinema was at its creative and commercial peak. The crime film by Valy Arnheim will be shown on Sunday, September 18 at 11 a.m. at the Universum Filmtheater.


BIFF board member Clemens Williges is looking forward to it: "The Harry Hill films offer breathless action. DIE HOCHBAHNKATASTROPHE by director, producer and leading actor Valy Arnheim is a highlight of the then extremely popular series. I am especially pleased that Richard Siedhoff, the best silent film pianist of his generation, will be at the piano." In addition, Edgar Merkel, long-time chairman of the Filmfestverein, will join Dr. Michael Grisko, executive director of the Richard Borek Foundation, in giving the audience an introduction to the cinema of the Weimar Republic on the day of the event.


Memorable audience hit: 100 years of old cultural heritage


Director Valy Arnheim's silent film is a beloved relic of the popular cinema of the Weimar Republic; it delighted audiences of the time with sensational stunts and comic moments. Initially banned for "endangering public order and safety," the crime film became an absolute hit with audiences 100 years ago.  The public transportation system of a large city is threatened by attacks. Master detective Harry Hill takes up the fight against crime and terror, supported by the intrepid daughter of the railroad director. Weimarer Republik e.V. is sponsoring the event with €1,000 from funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Justice, as part of the 22x1000 funding program to commemorate 100 years of the Weimar Republic. Since 2013, the Weimarer Republik e.V. has been concerned with maintaining the culture of remembrance for the first German democracy. Under the title "22x1000", 22 projects, including this one, were supported in 2022. And the Richard Borek Foundation in Braunschweig also supports the BIFF event with 500 euros.


To be continued: Another program highlight during the festival week


Complementing this silent film program, another event will also take place during the festival week of the 36th BIFF, November 7-13, 2022. NOSFERATU - EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUENS will let all silent film lovers get their money's worth. The 1922 German feature film by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau in five acts, tells the story of Count Orlok (Nosferatu), a vampire from the Carpathians who falls in love with the beautiful Ellen and brings terror to her hometown of Wisborg. The film was supposed to be destroyed in 1925 after losing a copyright dispute, but survived in countless cut versions. The Scharoun Theater Wolfsburg will screen this classic film in Wolfsburg on Festival Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m.

More information about the events, as well as all information and updates about the upcoming 36th Braunschweig International Film Festival, can also be found on Instagram and on Facebook.

The BIFF will screen the silent film DIE HOCHBAHNKATASTROPHE by Valy Arnheim, 1921. The film will be accompanied by Weimar composer Richard Siedhoff on piano.

Sunday, September 18 at 11:00 a.m. at the Universum Filmtheater.

Click here for advance booking!

Sponsored by Weimarer Republik e.V. with support from the German Federal Ministry of Justice, the Richard Borek Foundation and Volkswagen Financial Services.