General Terms and Conditions of Business

1. Scope of Application

The following General Terms and Conditions contain regulations for ticket sales for the events of the Braunschweig International Film Festival e.V., Neue Straße 8, 38100 Braunschweig (hereinafter referred to as the "Association"), in particular the annually recurring Braunschweig International Film Festival (BIFF). In addition, they regulate other rights and obligations of the contracting parties that arise in the context of the events of the Association between the visitors of events of all business areas and the Association. Excluded from this are special events that take place in cooperation with the Association but for which the Association itself is not the organiser.

1.1 Streaming Platform

The streaming services for BIFF 2022 at are provided by the third-party provider Festival Scope. By purchasing a streaming ticket, a contractual relationship is established exclusively between the user and the service provider. The "Terms & Conditions" of Festival Scope and their data protection regulations apply.

On the streaming platform, we use an external payment service provider through whose platforms users, and we, can make payment transactions. The "Terms and Conditions" of Stripe apply.

2. Programme Changes, Starting Times, Publications

The events of the Association such as the film programme of the BIFF and the starting times of the respective film screenings can be found in the official publications of the Association (homepage, journal, folded brochure, Facebook). The Association reserves the right to change the programme times.

3 Conclusion of the Contract and Use of the Tickets

3.1 General

Admission to the performances is only granted with a valid ticket. Prior to admission to the Association’s performances, the customer is obliged to show the purchased ticket to the admission staff at the entrance to the event site and, if necessary, to identify him/herself by means of a valid identification document.

Tickets can be purchased in advance at the box offices. During the festival, tickets for all performances are available at the box offices and online at There are various ticket prices for the association's events, which are set and published by the association.

The Association reserves the right to exclude individual performances from online sales and, in justified individual cases, to restrict the allocation of tickets to the purchaser.

The admission tickets are intended exclusively for personal use. The purchaser of admission tickets is in particular prohibited from:

  • offering the tickets for sale on the Internet,
  • selling the tickets without the express prior written consent of the association,
  • passing on or using the admission tickets, without the express prior written consent of the association, for the purposes of advertising or as a prize.

In the event of infringement, the ticket purchaser or ticket holder loses the right to attend the event without entitlement to reimbursement of the ticket price or ticket fees. Anyone who reproduces and/or circulates tickets without permission may be held liable by the organiser for any consequential damage. In addition, criminal prosecution will ensue in any case (misappropriation of services, fraud, forgery of documents).

3.2 Seat Selection and Reservation

A seat ticket is required for all events. This also applies to free events. These can be purchased in advance or at the box office. Seat reservations are not possible.

Seats can only be guaranteed if they have been taken up to five minutes before the start of the performance. The Association reserves the right to assign seats that have not been taken at the start of the performance.

It is not permitted to take a seat other than the one designated on the ticket.

3.3 Ticket Sales at the Box Offices

The general advance sale takes place at the UNIVERSUM Filmtheater, Neue Straße 8, 38100 Braunschweig and at the ASTOR Filmtheater, Lange Straße 60, 38100 Braunschweig. If events are not sold out, there will be an evening/day box office at the venues from 30 minutes before the start of the event.

The performances are assigned to different price categories, which are shown in the publications. The prices, reductions and fees can be seen in particular in the journal, on the homepage and/or via a notice at the box office.

3.4 Special Passes: 10-ticket and 5-ticket Passes, Festival Passes and Free Ticket Vouchers

Passes of 10 and 5 tickets are available at the UNIVERSUM Filmtheater and the ASTOR Filmtheater (see addresses under point 3.3 of these regulations) and are valid for designated events.

Special passes (e.g. Short Film Pass) are only valid for events within the festival week of the BIFF in the declared event year. In the case of unused ticket allotments, there is no entitlement to payment or use of the special passes in subsequent years. Holders of special passes must pick up a seat ticket for the desired event at the ticket offices.

Upon admission to the event room, the seat ticket must be presented in conjunction with the special pass.

Free ticket vouchers must also be exchanged for a seat ticket at the ticket office for the desired event and are valid without a special pass.

3.5 Accreditations

Accreditation requests will only be processed within the official application period. The deadlines are published on the BIFF website.

The submission of an application does not guarantee accreditation. The organizer reserves the right to decide whether to accept or reject an application.

Persons under 18 years of age are excluded from accreditation.

Accreditations are granted by prior registration via the homepage and are to be collected at the festival counter during the BIFF. They are valid for designated events. Holders of accreditations must pick up a seat ticket for the desired event at the ticket counters. The seat ticket is only valid together with the accreditation. Accreditations are only valid for the events of the declared BIFF.

For more information, please visit:

3.6 Discounts

Discounts are granted to eligible groups of people upon presentation of appropriate proof at the box office. Pupils, students, FSJ workers, unemployed persons, social welfare recipients and pensioners are entitled to a discount.

Severely disabled persons receive a free ticket for the accompanying person upon presentation of the corresponding ID.

The discounts applicable to each performance can be viewed on our website and in our publications or obtained at the box office. The Association reserves the right not to grant discounts on certain performances.

The Association requires proof of eligibility for all discounted tickets prior to purchase. The entitlement must exist on the day of the performance. The original discount entitlement must be presented and must be shown on admission without being requested to do so. If proof cannot be provided, the difference to the full ticket price must be paid retrospectively.
The simultaneous granting of several reductions per ticket is excluded.

After the booking process has been completed, reductions can no longer be taken into account.

3.7 Payment and Invoice

Cash payment and debit card payment (no credit card) are possible at the ticket offices. An invoice or receipt is created on request and cannot be subsequently made up.

3.8 Tickets in Online Sales/Shop

Tickets can only be purchased at full price via online ticket sales.

Possible fees for sales via the Internet ("online" sales) are shown during the booking process. All tickets purchased online must be printed out in advance or can be identified by means of QR codes (e.g. on a smartphone display).

Admission without a ticket and only with the order confirmation is not possible. We would like to point out that the provisions on the right of withdrawal for distance contracts do not apply (§ 312g paragraph 2 No. 9 BGB). Exchange, return and cancellation of tickets are no longer possible after submitting the online order.

The customer can pay the purchase price online by credit card, PayPal or instant transfer (“Sofortüberweisung”).

When paying by credit card and PayPal, the time of payment corresponds to the time of the order. If the payment service provider "PayPal" is used, the payment shall be processed via PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, subject to the PayPal terms of use, which can be viewed at PayPal. This requires, among other things, that the customer opens a PayPal account or already has such an account.

In the event of a rejection of the credit card charge, the customer undertakes to pay the price plus any costs incurred within 10 days of receipt of the service. These costs include, among others, the costs incurred due to the revocation of the credit card charge.

When paying by instant transfer, you can still release the payment of the ordered goods via your online banking account during your order. After selecting the payment method instant transfer in the ordering process, you will be directed to the secure payment form of Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden. Klarna Bank AB takes over the payment process automatically without any possibility for the Association to inspect it, which is comparable to a debit card payment with PIN. Just as with a debit card payment, Klarna Bank AB checks the availability of your account and makes a transfer to the Association if there are sufficient funds in your account. In addition, the system of Klarna Bank AB checks in about 30 percent of cases whether previous payments were booked with instant transfer, in order to exclude systematic fraud.

In order to carry out an instant transfer, Klarna Bank AB requires your name, bank code and account number, the PIN and a TAN of your online banking account. Only your name, bank code, account number, reason for transfer, amount and date of the transfer are stored, not the drawing limit or account balance of your account or past transactions.

In case of a successful transaction, the Association only receives an automated confirmation from Klarna Bank AB in real time that the transfer has been executed.

4. Return of Tickets

The return of already purchased tickets is generally excluded. We would like to point out that the provisions on the right of withdrawal do not apply to distance selling contracts (§ 312g paragraph 2 no. 9 BGB). In the event of cancellation, the cost of tickets will be refunded at the ticket offices. A return is only possible within the festival period.

5. Lost Tickets

Lost tickets will not be refunded, nor will they be reprinted at the box office.

6. Admission

The entitlement to attend a particular film screening is proven with the valid cinema ticket. Cinema halls may not be entered without a valid ticket.

The Association reserves the right to check the admission authorization at any time and, if the admission authorization is missing, to refuse admission to the cinema or to ask the cinema visitor to leave the film screening. The visitor must therefore keep the admission ticket until the end of the screening.

Seats can only be guaranteed if they have been taken up to five minutes before the start of the performance. The Association reserves the right to assign seats that have not been taken at the start of the performance.

7. Cloakroom

It is not permitted to bring cameras, digital cameras, video, DVD and similar image or sound recording devices into the cinema halls. The recording of images and sound by mobile phones, tablets or similar devices is prohibited.

Weapons and other dangerous objects may not be brought into the cinema halls.

For security reasons, the cinema staff and employees of the Association are entitled to search the bags and clothing of visitors before they enter and when they leave the cinema or to ask the visitors to disclose the contents of their bags and clothing. If the visitor refuses or prevents the search or disclosure, access to the cinema will be denied without refund of the ticket price.

8. Right to Determine Who has Access to Premises (domiciliary rights)

Visitors may be refused entry to the venues if there is reason to believe that they will disrupt the performance or cause a nuisance to other visitors. The following is prohibited in all box offices, cinemas and other closed venues:

  • sitting on the steps of the movie theatre,
  • gaining access to the projection rooms,
  • the use of mobile phones and similar devices,
  • bringing animals (except trained assistance dogs),
  • the consumption of food and beverages of any kind brought along,
  • distributing advertising materials of any kind, as well as putting up posters without prior written permission,
  • smoking and the use of e-cigarettes,
  • drug use,
  • wilful damage or theft in all venues,
  • carrying weapons of any kind.

The instructions of the staff must always be followed. They exercise the domiciliary rights of the various venues and are authorised to issue instructions to visitors.

In addition to these regulations, the house rules of the respective venues apply without restriction. These can be viewed at the respective venues.

9. Behaviour in the Cinema

Cinema visitors who violate the house rules can be expelled from the film screening after a warning from the cinema staff without reimbursement of the purchase price.

10. Protection of Minors

Children and young people may only be admitted to film screenings that are suitable for their age according to the German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG). Excerpts from the applicable Youth Protection Act are posted at the box offices. If there are doubts about the age of underage guests, the Association is entitled to check their age. Anyone who is unable or unwilling to identify themselves in such a case (by passport, identity card, student ID, etc.) will not be admitted to the film screening in question and will not be refunded their admission price.

11. Hygiene Concepts

The Association as organizer is bound to the selected Corona measures of the lessors / venues. Visitors are obliged to inform themselves about the applicable hygiene regulations before the start of the event. You can find more information about this at:

12. Data Protection

Insofar as personal data of ticket purchasers is collected, processed or used in automated procedures to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of the contract, this shall be done in compliance with all statutory provisions on data protection. Subsequently, the Association is entitled to store the customer data for the purpose of internal statistical surveys. The Association is entitled to pass on the data to natural or legal persons whom the Association has commissioned to sell tickets. The data will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to the extent specified. The detailed data protection regulations of the Association can be found under data protection.

13. Disclaimer of Liability by the Main Sponsor Volkswagen Financial Services

The Association is the organizer of the Braunschweig International Film Festival and is liable for the implementation. The main sponsor is not liable to third parties for the organisation and implementation of the event, unless the main sponsor intentionally causes damage to this third party.